R&M Electrical Group news and events from across the globe.

R&M employees raise funds for the Movember movement
R&M supported the Movember movement again this year but with a twist…
Over 35 male colleagues across 10 R&M locations worldwide participated in the Grow a Mo challenge. The R&M ladies wanted to find a way to show theirsupport and solidarity. And, although not an official Movember activity, many sported a range of customised fake moustaches each week of Movember in our Trya Tache challenge. We also invited colleagues to submit entries for our Witty Moustache One Liner contest and cast their votes in our ‘best moustache’ competition.
Participating R&Mers made a great effort, raised money for a very worthwhile cause, and had a lot of fun in the process. Some of our male colleagues have even retained their moustaches!

Thanks to generous donations, we managed to raise £1,545, which will help to fund game-changing men’s health projects and help charities totake on mental health, suicide, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer.
Did you know that…
- Men are dying on average 4.5 years earlier than women, and for largely preventable reasons?
- Across the world, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day?
- Globally, more than 1.4 million men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year?